Things I’m Grateful for This Week

Due to circumstances in life I thought I’d take a moment to express more publicly some things that I am grateful for. I’ve been practicing carrying an awareness of gratitude for a while now. Why not share since I’ve gone ahead and created a venue for myself. This week’s top items are:

  • SOS Pads. Thank you ever powerful steel wool for helping me scrub the pot clean after burning supper the other night. Now I don’t have to throw the pot out… Burned pot shaming has been ended.
  • The affordability of thermal dryer fuses. Thank you to the appliance repairman for not ripping me off after inspecting my non-functioning dryer and being able to fix it with a $25 part (a reasonable labour fee was charged as well).
  • I know this might sound cheesy but this is my first experience with blogging and blogging related technical know-how and it’s nice to have a place where resources are easy to find(ish). I’m still getting familiar with everything which will take some time but I’m thankful for so many resources. Included in this is a general thank you for seeing some inspirational blogs. I’m looking forward to getting connected to others out there and all the learning that is to come from doing so!
  • Mushy personal things, that I won’t totally specify. Just know that I’m grateful for you personal things, thank you.

The reason I mention these is not to portray that I lack in meaningful reflective thinking skills. It’s just to notice the small stuff when there’s a lot of big stuff happening. In my life I’ve struggled with not shaming myself while contemplating and adopting gratitude into my perspective. Shouldn’t I just be grateful for all the larger concepts that are present in my life? Yes, and to some degree I am, and even for some of my possessions I’ll admit; that were brought to me by embracing some larger concepts. But did you notice, shouldn’t? Because my problem is that I do. And then I can start to feel bad about ‘why isn’t that enough?’.

In my ever-maturing consciousness I’m still learning how to make the vague more tangible. In the meantime, seeing the little things for what they are, as little things, but little things that get you through your day. Size doesn’t measure significance. With those SOS pads I recognized I had a tool to take care of a job that needed to be done. That job was created because of a learning experience that I needed to have, however small it may be. I guess through abstracting the little things I am able to feel the big things. And for today we’ll call the big thing gratitude. Happy Friday!

One thought on “Things I’m Grateful for This Week

  1. Pingback: Things I’m Grateful for This Week | It's Not About Pickles

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